Testimonials & Interviews

Posts are only with permission and never share any private details from sessions.


KQ Hypnotherapy for sobriety:
It’s worked wonders. I am calmer, know how to take breaks, enjoy my zen time and can say no to alcohol! Highly Recommend you!
JM Hypnotherapy for sobriety:
I had a very positive experience during the hypnotherapy sessions with Helen. My mood was definitely lighter, I felt more positive and determined to achieve my goals of staying sober, forgiving myself for past mistakes and moving forward in my life. In fact I have felt very positive since. I was also surprised that I was able to go into such a deep state of relaxation. Since then I have felt very well. My mood is definitely better and I am resisting cravings. They come and go.
MP Hypnotherapy for pain management and motivation:
I was preparing for a knee replacement, and just couldn’t manage the pain and had lost all interest in building up muscle for the op. I was immediately able to go back to gentle exercise and had the motivation to continue with it. The knee pain has not completely gone, so I don’t feel I will overdo it, but it is completely manageable. I feel so much happier and ready to commit to exercising again. A great experience and I would strongly recommend Helen
AG Guided Meditation suite:
I’m really enjoying these guided meditations as a peaceful break in my working day. When stress is building, it’s really helpful to take a short pause, plant my feet on the floor and let Helen guide me through relaxation and refocus.

Feedback from some attendees of the latest 8 week group session:

I found it very calming and not having to talk or go on video was a big help to me.
I use the body scan to help when I panic and it really helps to calm me down. GB
The sessions were very good great understanding of people and getting through the sessions well.
I feel more confident with meditations. JE
I think it’s helped me to practice mindfulness more often. PJ
I feel reflective focused and refreshed – more balanced emotionally. SW
I have really enjoyed this course, its given me time for myself, which I do anyway with exercise but this has given me peace. I’m a mindful person anyway but this course taught me how to be mindful of my own thoughts and feelings and not just mindfulness for others. This course has taught me how to deal with stressful situations which are our of my control.
I feel I have learned to be more mindful of my own feelings, I feel I have tools in place to help with stressful situations. SE
I particularly appreciated the regularity and system structure of the email reminders and follow ups. I enjoyed your pace and tone and the lightness in which you deliver.
I feel lighter in mood. RS
Incorporating mindfulness as a tool in your everyday life is a very simple way of introducing both calmness and a sense of control into your life. It teaches you that YOU decide how you will feel and more importantly how you will respond to the events around you that you cannot control.
I feel more positive at this time of year than I have for a long time and that is in spite of COVID. I feel content and peaceful with ‘something’ to turn to or think on. BLS

Feedback from Individual sessions

“Having completed Helens mindfulness course over a six week period I can highly recommend her. Helen has a very gentle relaxed manner in the way she guides you. Her wisdom in this area is fantastic. Thanks to Helen I am back on track with my mindfulness and really miss our sessions.”  R (August 2020)

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